Tag: Finances

Protecting Yourself from a Bank Collapse: Silicon Valley Case (Ep. 15)

Protecting Yourself from a Bank Collapse: Silicon Valley Case (Ep. 15)

After the Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse, a lot of people panicked and started doubting the stability of their own banks where they hold accounts.

What is the difference between investing in a bank and depositing in it? Are my deposits insured? What can I do if I fear that my bank will collapse?

In this episode, Josh Leonard addresses the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, what happened, and how it affected their clients and investors. He talks about how FDIC insurance works for our deposits, and what we can do to protect ourselves if our bank fails. Additionally, Josh explains high-yield savings accounts and how they give us good returns with our unused funds.

Josh discusses: 

  • The collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank and the factors leading to their failure
  • The difference between investing and depositing in a bank
  • How FDIC insurance can help protect your deposits
  • The importance of finding a diversified bank
  • High-yield savings accounts and some options for earning more interest on our unused money
  • And more!


Connect with Josh Leonard: 

Spring Cleaning! 10 Tips to Clean up your Finances (Ep. 14)

Spring Cleaning! 10 Tips to Clean up your Finances (Ep. 14)

As the flowers bloom, the grass gets greener and our worries feel lighter, we know that spring is around the corner. You’re probably cleaning out your closets this spring or your garden beds but we’re going to talk about financial spring cleaning as this is a great time to get organized. It is a process of organizing your finances and reviewing your financial position. It can help find areas to save money, reduce expenses and improve your retirement.

In this episode, Josh Leonard discusses 10 different ways you can clean up your finances to get ready for this season and easily transition, helping you feel confident in your portfolio. 

Josh discusses: 

  • How you can calculate and review your expenses 
  • Cleaning up debt and checking your credit report
  • How to approach that junk drawer we all dread going in to 
  • Optimizing your tax strategy to pay fewer taxes in retirement
  • Some strategies on how to operate inactive accounts from prior jobs or student accounts that are no longer in use
  • And more


Connect with Josh Leonard: