Tag: Life Insurance

Decoding Life Insurance for Retirees: Is It Essential? (Ep. 51)

Decoding Life Insurance for Retirees: Is It Essential? (Ep. 51)

How does life insurance fit into your retirement plan? Is life insurance still relevant in retirement?

This week on Relax It’s Retirement, Josh Leonard and Pete Belcastro discuss whether or not life insurance is necessary in retirement. They cover four main reasons to own life insurance in retirement: covering debts, preserving family assets, covering long-term care expenses, and leaving a tax-free legacy. They also mention the importance of planning and working with a financial advisor to determine the best approach for individual needs. From protecting your loved ones to planning for unforeseen medical expenses, this conversation is packed with everything you need to navigate the complexities of life insurance in retirement.

Josh and Pete discuss: 

  • The different types of life insurance and their roles in retirement planning
  • Strategies for managing and potentially reducing expenses associated with life insurance
  • The importance of life insurance in covering long-term care and unforeseen medical costs
  • How life insurance can serve as a financial safety net for your loved ones and contribute to estate planning
  • And more

Tune in to gain valuable insights that could help you make more informed decisions about life insurance in your retirement planning strategy.


Connect with Josh Leonard: 

Connect with Pete Belcastro: 

Income Planning: When The Paychecks Stop (Ep. 12)

Income Planning: When The Paychecks Stop (Ep. 12)

What do YOU view as your most substantial asset that allows you to live the life you want to live on a daily basis?

In this episode, Josh Leonard talks about the road you have to follow once your paychecks stop coming in. Is your life going to run the same? How do you feel confident in your bank account when that number stops increasing? Where is all your money going to come from? Josh alleviates all of these stressors in detail.

Josh discusses: 

  • How life expectancy can determine the plan you create for your retirement
  • The ins and outs of pension planning
  • Some ways you can keep a consistent income source during retirement that does not limit you to a 9-5 job
  • And more


Connect with Josh Leonard: