Tag: Financial Literacy

Mastering Financial Literacy in Your Golden Years: Part 2 (Ep. 50)

Mastering Financial Literacy in Your Golden Years: Part 2 (Ep. 50)

Transitioning into retirement could feel just as sunny and relaxed as a perfect summer day, but like spending a day in the sun, you’ve got to plan for all weather factors when it comes to retirement or risk feeling a little burned.

Today on Relax, It’s Retirement, Josh Leonard and Pete Belcastro delve into part two of financial literacy for your golden years with a focus on government benefits and tax planning. In addition to managing required minimum distributions and the timing of Social Security benefits, the conversation also navigates through estate planning and the considerations for relocating or downsizing in retirement. Listen in to empower yourself with the knowledge and strategies needed to embrace retirement with confidence and intention.

Josh and Pete discuss: 

  • Maneuvering the complexities of required minimum distributions (RMDs) and their impact on your taxes
  • Strategic insights into optimizing Social Security benefits based on individual working and earning scenarios.
  • The importance of updating beneficiaries and how simple changes can drastically influence estate planning
  • Navigating the decisions surrounding relocation or downsizing in retirement, including tax implications and quality of life considerations
  • And more


Connect with Josh Leonard: 

Connect with Pete Belcastro: 

Mastering Financial Literacy in Your Golden Years (Ep. 48)

Mastering Financial Literacy in Your Golden Years (Ep. 48)

Are you ready to greet retirement with a well-prepared smile?

Welcome to the Relax, It’s Retirement podcast, where we dive into mastering financial literacy in your golden years. This episode, featuring Josh Leonard and Pete Belcastro, zooms in on transitioning into retirement with intent. They explore practical tips for income and budget planning in April’s Financial Literacy Month, highlighting ways to navigate the shift from a steady paycheck to managing retirement funds. Through engaging discussions and real-life examples, you will glean insights into making informed decisions for a fulfilling retirement.

Josh and Pete discuss: 

  • Understanding income and budgeting in retirement
  • Navigating the transition from receiving regular paychecks to retirement income planning
  • Strategies for managing expenses and creating effective budgets
  • Addressing the impact of healthcare expenses during retirement
  • And more


Connect with Josh Leonard: 

Connect with Pete Belcastro: